Victorino's Koa Pu'uwai
High APBT in Trial May 20th 2000
Dalene McIntire 
Phone number 253-852-0605
American Pit Bull Terriers in Obedience Class
Three pit bulls at the Manhattan Class
The Victorino Kennel has used Dalene McIntire's obedience classes in the pass. When asked who we would recommend for training we send them there. We don't believe in bait training there is a time for treats, training is not that time.
In case of an emergency to get your dog to stop on command before he crosses a busy intersection, you shouldn't have to worry about having a treat in your pocket. Normal daily life you may not have a treat, will he stop with out one.
Baiting is a treat, Treats are for Tricks.
Tricks are sitting pretty, speaking, rolling over, biscuits on the nose catch, and any trick your dog can do...
You don't give your child a piece of candy every time they listen to you.
Obedience can save your dogs life!
Obedience training is one of the best things you can do for your dog or puppy and yourself. Obedience training doesn't solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem. Whatever the age of your dog, the right time to begin training is right now! Obedience training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable. Enroll in a local dog obedience training class to learn the basics. Then most teaching and training can and should be done in your home.
If your dog is an obedient dog people will talk about how well your dog minds.
Most everyone loves dogs and a well behaved dog is greatly appreciated.
The bases for any activity you can do with your dog, weight pull, Agility, conformation, a simple walk in the park or a good household pet.

Starts with Basic obedience
It's not easy to take pictures and be in the Agility or Obedience ring. So every time we were in the ring no photos were taken. If someone has photos of our dogs in the ring and would like us to place them here just email us. Photo credit will be placed on each photo.
Thanks Madelyn

Updated on January 11, 2009

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