Smokey MT. Music
Owners & Breeders: Johnathen & Madelyn Victorino |
Smokey was the by far been one of the greatest horses we have owned.
Bred to just be a grate riding horse he has done just that and more.
Smokey is a very balanced horse with a lot of natural muscle and a soft mover.
This boy is one of my most valued and treasured gifts from my husband over 20 years ago.
He shines brighter then any diamond,
Rides smoother then any Mercedes,
Will do anything asked of him
did I mention slow, soft, elegant, cadenced and natural
Smokey Commander Sire of Smoky MT Music
I Fell in love with this boy when he was stalled at Fairwood Farm.
Owned by way to many at the time, I held out for stud service until he was owned by just Bonnie Gram.
Smokey Commander and D's WA-SATH-A-BE produced us a wonderful Appaloosa Stallion |
D'S WA-SATH-A-BE "Sugar" ApHC Appaloosa Mare
Dam of Keike and Smokey Mt. Music
She was a Fruhling's foundation Appaloosa Mare |
Smokey and Sugar |
Foal imprinting is a technique used by humans and horses alike to introduce a new foal into his environment. For the mare she is establishing herself as his mother and securing his safety by showing him she is his primary caregiver. Foal imprinting also allows you, his person, the ability to create your own unique bond with him. The advantage of imprinting allows you to familiarize your foal with a wide variety of experiences, which would be more difficult to present at a later time when he has become more active.
Immediately after birth the dam will blow into her foal’s nostrils which will familiarize her baby with her scent. Next she will nicker to him in a particular tone so the foal will be able to recognize her sound. Foal imprinting continues as the dam nuzzles him all over his body, while continuing a soft, low nicker. As this process continues, the foal will attempt to stand and nurse. It is important to allow these steps to be completed before interrupting their bonding process.
If you are present at the birth, or upon your arrival, the same foal imprinting techniques may be used by you to make your introduction. The first rule is to approach your mare and get permission to interact with her baby. Even the gentlest of mares might be protective at this time, especially if she is a maiden mare (first birth). Once you are comfortable that your mare feels secure with your presence, you may begin the imprinting of your foal.
Begin by giving your foal your scent. Gently breath into his nostrils and allow him to breath into yours. This simple technique will create an instant bond and he will recognize you for the rest of his life, regardless of how much time passes between meetings.
If you would like to give your foal a special sound that he will identify you with, this would be the time. Many have used human forms of nickering or trilling or some hum that your foal will associate with you.
Next you begin with a soft, slow and gentle rubbing of the foal from head to tail. Begin with the head, face, ears, mouth and proceed down the neck and to the rest of the body. Be sure to include his genitals and legs.
The final step is introducing a foal halter. Begin by rubbing it gently over his body. It is best to put it on as gently, yet quickly, as possible so your foal does not feel constricted. Once the halter is in place, it can be left on 15 to 30 minutes. It is important to note that your foal should never be left alone while wearing the halter.
All these steps should be repeated a few times daily. Within a few days, when your foal is secure on his feet, you can begin picking them up and patting the bottoms. Never make abrupt or sharp movements, but rather make all foal imprinting a pleasant experience.
The goal of foal imprinting is to introduce as many experiences as possible in a safe, easy and enjoyable way. If foal imprinting is accomplished successfully, your foal will be willing to accept new things with interest rather than suspicion. This is the beginning of your relationship with your new foal and you want him to feel safe, secure and enthusiastic about whatever requests you ask of him.
All the foals we have produced were imprinted, they were easy to brake and extremity well mannered.
Below is Smokey's pedigree along with some photos and achievements of his family.
We never stepped foot in a horse show ring, but Smokey had everything it takes to have been shown.
As a stallion his temperament is unsurpassed, we have never seen a stallion as gentle as he is ecept for jo and Danny. But all three were raised here by us
Smokey has brought us many years of pleasure and I will truly enjoy him until the end. |
Smokey Commander was not bred to many Appaloosa Mares |
Sire of Victorino's " Smokey MT. Music "
Smokey Commander
Color: black
Height: 15.3H
Hi-Point Quarter Horse Stallion in 1981 & 1982 in Washington. Owned by Bonnie Graham. ROM Halter, `81,`82 High pt. Quarter Horse Stallion WQHA. Grand Champion Halter over a dozen shows. Sire of multiple Halter & Pleasure futurity winners including JUST UP IN SMOKE (APHA). |
Color: buck
AQHA H-0/P-7
ROM Cutting
Breeder: J. W. Shoemaker, Watrous, NM.
Owner: H. F. Snyder, Pendleton, OR.
NCHA ME, Grand Ch in every halter class he ever entered.

SMOKEY MT. MUSIC is the 1/2 Brother to
APHA #00135146 - 1987 Black Tobiano
Homozygous for Black
15.3 Hands
Canadian Reserve National Champion Halter
6th World Show HUS
5th World Show Open Western Riding
Zone One Futurity Champion HUS
3rd Zone One Futurity Working Cow Horse and Heading
Superior Western Pleasure
ROM Hunter Under Saddle
Over 100 APHA Western pleasure & Hunter Under Saddle points.
Superior Western Pleasure.
ROM Hunter Under Saddle
Points in Halter, and Trail.
5th At the World in Western Riding as a 3 year old
Top 10 @ World Show three times
NWCC pts: Steer Stopping, Hunter Hack, Poles, Barrels, Heading & Heeling.
Won the NWCC Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Buckle as a 2 year old and as a 3 year old
2002 Produced the Top Washington Bred Performance Horse: Just Gamblin Annie |

H, QUARTER HORSE, 1940 Color: palomino; AQHA-0002078; 63% NFQHR; Reg. as
dun but he was NOT dun, he was palomino - amply proven through pics and
progeny; Breeder: Wait Phillips, Cimarron, NM; Owner: J. W. Shoemaker,
Watrous, NM; 3xs, 6.25% Old Fred; 1x, 3.125% Peter McCue; 1x, 25% Plaudit
breeding; Sire of ROM RACE: Maddons Bright Eyes, Shu Baby S, Plaudits Babe
M, QUARTER HORSE, 1945 dun; AQHA #8682; Halter Point Earner, Perf. & Halter Point Earner Dam,
NCHA &; AQHA Champ. Dam, Super Halter Award Dam, NCHA Get Money-earners. Perf. Points: 5
So, to those who are having problems in the saddle wherein the horse does not comply with your requests or otherwise is behaving just like a horse would with a monkey on its back, get your foundation re-built. Get out of the saddle, get down on the ground and get a relationship with your horse; a partnership that is based on kindness, consideration, gentleness, consistency, fairness and most of all ... respect.
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