Breeder: Victorino's Kennel
Owner: John Keala Victorino
Sire: CH 'PR' Victorino's Iron Cody of Rebel CGC TT TC DNA-VIP OFA OFEL
Dam: UWP UCD CH Victorino's Ku'u Ipo Lani CGC TT TC DNA-VIP OFA OFEL
Updated on 1/14/2011
" Victorino's Jake "
Jake was a home town dog with a heart of gold.
Jake is a beautiful boy with all the right stuff, his attitude was
Weight trained by our son John Victorino, and can could be
handled by anyone.
Jake had a microchip placed in his neck and it turned in to a ball of cancer.
We had it removed but few months later the cancer came back.
We personally will ever microchip a dog again.This was heart braking for all of us!
All our training is limited to fun We don't believe in heavy training.
Our dogs love to pull and Jake was no exception.
This boy done us very proud
Jake UKC weight pull titles
Weight Puller = UWP
United weight puller Outstanding =UWPO
United Weight Puller Champion of Excellent
United Weight Puller Versatile =UWPCHV
United Weight Puller Supreme =UWPS
When I was given an UKC guide pamphlet I was totally shocked!
There was my Grandson Tyler James and Jake on the cover!
Thank You United Kennel Club
Photos above are taken by, (Grandpa) Johnathen Victorino
Photos below are taken by, Gerald Slowey. Thanks for the photos
Tyler James pictured here at 5 years old handling Jake at the
UKC Cascade APBT Club
Jake held the #1 spot in UKC's Top 25 APBT's Weight Pull for many months
then was bumped out by other Victorino Bred dog for a short time to come back
and finish the year as #1 APBT. |
funny what some people think sometimes....
For example Jake, was on our site for sale for many many months and
it seamed like everyone that inquired about him thought that there
was something wrong with him and that's why he was up for sale.
So if you were among the many that inquired about him and thought
that, shame on you!
Jake is no longer for sale and really he would never have left this
kennel with out the full three grand and a stiff contract to boot.
Most of all it would of had to be a family, like the ones he had with
the Evans family.
Some have to remember breeders cant keep all the good dogs in the
Jake has been a part of our family for some time and has been every
where with us.
Our son decided a long time back that he would work with Jake as if
he was keeping him.
Teenagers and cars, need money ... got the picture ?
John can get many new or used, hot rods or trucks, etc etc
But there is only one dog like Jake.
John turned down a few good inquirers and even one from Greg. Always said he didn't think
he was ready to get rid of Jake Yet.
A dog like Jake sure looks good in a car/truck on a Friday night and
makes a grate conversation piece with the lady's
But after ranking #1 in UKC we received a lot of calls on Jake, go figure.
John had forgotten to take Jake off the site as for sale.
Anyway John would have been cutting his own throat Jake is worth more
then 3 grand ......
Jake is pictured here with Gregory
Brennan in the summer of 2003
Greg was a close friend and owner of Victorino Bred dogs (4 of them), Greg
passed away in November of 2003
And forever will remain our friend and in our Hearts
Greg loved Jake and always told John never to sell him unless to him.
Here Jake shows off his stuff and plays tug in the tree. Greg was extremely
impressed on how obedient Jake was. Knowing commands is # 1 rule!
Greg would have owned Jake in a heart beat, but he knew John loved his dog
to much to ever sell him for the purchase of a car. |
Jake completed his Championship
in UKC Conformation.
The hardest part was trying to
brake a good obedience habit of sitting at my left side in the ring.
Jake was raised in a loving family home, as a pet.
He would rather
be curled up next to John on the couch or fetching the ball.
thought his show career stated after the age of two Jake has all the
right stuff!
It's really nice sometimes not to see a champion at the age of 6mo. just to see them fall apart after a year.
The Victorino's would like to send a special thanks to the Evans family
for the care and love that you provided Jake. Thanks ;o}...
Jake's high energy level shoots
though the roof. We had to find a way to harness his extra energy! So
we Harnessed him up to a weight pull cart and he loves it! These photos
were taken at his second UKC weight pull competition in Longview WA.
were he gained his first weight pull title for UKC.
Left photo (Before); This photo is one sent to us
by the Evens family, before we received Jake back.
Right photo (After we got him back); Jake's taking a major at an UKC show
in Oregon
Victorino's Kennel
is a Registered Trademark.
VictorinosKennel.com and All pictures and pages related to VictornosKennel.com
are a trademark of Victorino's Kennel and may not be duplicated without the
express written consent from the owners of Victorino's Kennel. |