Man O'War is the grandsire of Seabiscuit.
Owner: 1) Wheatley Stable. 2) Charles S. Howard
Breeder: Wheatley Stable
State Bred: KY
Winnings: 89 Starts: 33 - 15 - 3, $437,730
At 2: WON: Ardsley H, Springfield H., Watch Hill Claiming Stk
At 3: WON: World's Fair H, Bay Bridge H, Scarsdale H, Hendrie H, Michigan Governer's H. 3rd Yorktown H, East Hills H, Western Hills H.
At 4: WON: Riggs H, Laurel S, Continental H, Massachusetts H, Yonkers H, Butler H, Brooklyn H, Bay Meadows H, Marchbank H, San Juan Capistrano H. 2nd Bowie H, Santa Anita H. 3rd Naragansett Sp. H.
At 5: WON: Pimlico Sp. (Match Race vs. War Admiral), Havre De Grace H, Hollywood GC, Bay Meadows H, Agua Caliente H. 2nd Laurel H, Stars and Stripes H, Santa Anita H, San Antonio H. 3rd Manhattan H.
At 7: WON: San Antonio H, Santa Anita H.
1938 Horse of the Year & Handicap Champion 1937 & 1938.
Died at age 14 and was buried in an unmarked grave at owner Charles Howard's Ridgewood Ranch in California, where he had spent his entire stud career.