Sugar was a great first horse for any kid, she had what it takes to be around kids all day and not care. From one kid to another, the rides seem to go on and on. Bare back, English and Western what ever the kids felt like. She was a Fruhling's foundation appaloosa mare. With her great disposition, we would soon find out she would make a grate broodmare too.
Edith loved Sugar and spent many days learning how to ride, We got her into the Golden Horse Shoe 4H Club.
Got her into riding lessons and she just improved every day. No fear, never afraid to ride anything, saddle up and take off.
Horseback riding can also be a great social sport. Many children take riding
lessons together at stables. There are horse organizations 4H. The physical exercise of horseback riding has great side benefits. Riding improves
balance and coordination. As a child progresses in their skills they develop
confidence and a sense of freedom. Puss it is just plan FUN!